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Cataract Surgery

offered in Vero Beach and Fort Pierce, FL

cataract surgery

Cataract Surgery services offered in Vero Beach and Fort Pierce, FL

Surgery is the only way to remove a cataract. The board-certified ophthalmologists and eye surgeons at Center for Advanced Eye Care in Vero Beach and Fort PIerce, Florida, perform traditional cataract surgery with the option for premium lens implants. If you think you have cataracts, call the office or request an appointment online today to learn more about cataract surgery.

Cataract Surgery Q&A

What is cataract surgery?

A cataract occurs when the normally clear lens in your eye becomes cloudy. Cataracts often develop with increasing age. Cataract surgery is a procedure that involves removing the cloudy lens and replacing it with an artificial one, called an intraocular lens (IOL).

The Center for Advanced Eye Care team gives you the option of using premium IOLs, including multifocal lenses that allow you to see clearly at all distances. Premium IOLs can even correct astigmatism and presbyopia.

Cataract surgery has a success rate of more than 90% and a minimal risk for complications. A procedure called phacoemulsification is the gold standard for cataract removal. This procedure uses ultrasound to break up the cataract, then a specialized instrument gently vacuums the pieces from your eye.

How are cataracts diagnosed and treated?

First, the Center for Advanced Eye Care team performs a comprehensive eye exam. This exam may include a variety of tests, such as pupil dilation to examine your lens, and tonometry, which measures the pressure in your eye.

Then, your ophthalmologist recommends the best course of treatment for you. Early-stage cataracts may be treatable with stronger prescription lenses and improved lighting. However, the only way to remove a cataract is with surgery.

When would I need cataract surgery?

The Center for Advanced Eye Care team may recommend cataract surgery if you have a cataract that affects your vision enough to interfere with normal activities. Cataract symptoms that may indicate the need for surgery include:

  • Difficulty driving at night
  • Trouble reading small print or watching television
  • Decreased ability to function independently due to vision problems

When cataracts keep you from doing the things you need or want to do, it may be time to consider surgery.

What are the different approaches to cataract surgery?

Common approaches to cataract surgery include laser-assisted cataract surgery and traditional cataract surgery. The primary difference between the two approaches is that the traditional method uses forceps to open the capsule that contains your lens, while laser-assisted surgery uses a laser to make the incision.

Currently, there’s a lack of research suggesting any benefit to laser-assisted cataract surgery. In fact, several studies show an increase in complications with the use of a laser. Additionally, laser-assisted surgery isn’t reimbursable through Medicare or most insurance plans.

For all of these reasons, the Center for Advanced Eye Care team only offers traditional cataract surgery. However, they continually review new technologies so they provide the best possible outcome for their patients.

For more information about cataract surgery, call Center for Advanced Eye Care, or request an appointment online today.

What is a Cataract

A cataract is a clouding of the eyes natural lens that occurs in everyone as we age. Typical symptoms of cataracts that may justify proceeding with surgery including, trouble with night driving, reading small print, or having difficulty following a golf ball.

Diagnosing Cataracts

Your doctor may perform a series of tests in order to diagnose a cataract. Vision will be tested along with glare, to approximate vision changes under normal lighting conditions. A dilated eye exam will be performed to examine the condition of the lens and other parts of the eye. Your doctor may also perform tonometry, a procedure that measures the pressure in the eye.

Treatment of Cataracts

Cataract surgery is the most common procedure performed in the United States with a success rate of over 90 percent and a minimal risk of complications. For the past thirty years phacoemulsification has been the standard of care for the removal of cataracts. This ultrasound breaks up the cataract in to small pieces and they are gently vacuumed from the eye. Ultrasound technology has improved over the years making cataract surgery one of the safest procedures performed today.

Cataract Surgery

Dr. Mallon combines the latest technology with the most advanced surgical techniques including:

  • Clear Corneal Incisions
  • Eyedrop Anesthesia

In addition, Dr. Mallon does cataract surgery without any needles. There is no need for IV sedation, stitches, or an eye patch after surgery. Patients are able to resume most normal activities immediately after surgery. Astigmatism correction may also be accomplished at the time of cataract removal.

The advanced technology includes pre-operative measurements with immersion ultrasound and laser interferometry.

Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery vs Traditional Cataract Surgery

Laser cataract surgery has been available for the past few years. The common misconception is that the laser is automated and does the entire surgery. The reality is the surgical procedure is manual and the outcome is dependent on the skill of the surgeon, the accuracy of the preoperative measurements, and the matching of a patient’s preoperative expectations with the proper lens selection. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the laser for use in cataract surgery for three steps. The first step is the incision, which is typically made with either a diamond or steel blade. The second step is for the creation of an opening in the capsule, which holds the lens. This is called a capsulotomy. Non laser cataract surgery uses a forcep to open the capsule allowing access to the cloudy lens. The third step is to segment the lens into smaller pieces that are then phacoemulsified (ultrasound). Although the FDA has approved the use of laser during cataract surgery it is not reimbursed by Medicare or commercial insurance plans and a patient can only be billed for the correction of astigmatism. To date, there is not a single study that shows a benefit over conventional methods and in fact, there have been several studies showing an increase in complications rates with use of the laser.The cost for laser assisted cataract surgery varies among physicians and may be as much as $1500 or more per eye. It is important for patients to understand that it is illegal to bill strictly for the use of laser during cataract surgery. Our practice is always looking at new technologies and evaluating the benefits to our patients. At this time, without a single study showing improved visual outcomes, we have decided not to use laser assisted cataract surgery. Our opinion is that laser assisted cataract surgery unnecessarily increases cost, risk of complications, and time to complete the procedure.

Premium Lens Implants

During cataract surgery, artificial lenses are implanted in the eye to replace the cloudy natural lenses. These artificial lenses, known as intraocular lenses (IOLs), were once only able to correct distance vision, leaving patients dependent on eyeglasses or contact lenses for near vision. Many cataract patients, in addition to suffering from either nearsightedness or farsightedness, also suffer from presbyopia, natural changes to the eyes that occur as we age.

Before premium lenses, patients were unable to see clearly at both near and far distances without the use of eyeglasses or contact lenses. Early lens implants were monofocal, meaning that they had only one focal point and could not adjust to varying distances.

New advances in technology have allowed for the development of multifocal IOLs, which let patients see clearly at all distances, and can even correct astigmatism as well. Premium lens implants are ideal for cataract patients who are also suffering from presbyopia and want a replacement lens that provides a full range of clear vision.

There are several different types of premium lens implants available for cataract patients. Your doctor will work with you to decide which lens is best for your individual eyes to help you enjoy long-lasting, clear vision at near, intermediate and far distances. To speak with one of our doctors and discuss your options for cataract replacement lenses, please call us today to schedule a consultation.